Soldotna / Homer Bus Service - Trip Details

Drive Time: 1 hr 30 min
Number of stops: None
Distance: 76 miles

Soldotna Pickup/Dropoff: Starbucks/Domino’s -

43981 Sterling Hwy, Soldotna, AK 99669

Homer Pickup/Dropoff: Aspen Suites Hotel Homer - 91 Sterling Hwy, Homer, AK 99603


Southbound (Soldotna to Homer)

Soldotna Departure 5:30pm
Homer Arrival 7:00pm

Northbound (Homer to Soldotna)

Homer Departure 8:00am
Soldotna Arrival 9:30am

For additional travel details check our route and schedule page.

What to Expect

The drive between Soldotna and Homer is a direct route with no additional stops.


The route between Soldotna and Homer takes about one and a half hours. There are often moose in this area so keep an eye out.

About half the drive runs along the eastern side of Cook Inlet and offers excellent views of several active volcanoes located on the west side of Cook Inlet. Two notable peaks are Iliamna and Redoubt, which both exceed elevations of 10,000 feet. If it’s clear, you may be able to see plumes of steam rising from either peak.

Closer to Homer, you’ll pass Anchor Point and the Anchor River; a popular location for salmon and steelhead trout fishing. Cresting over the last hill before entering Homer, you’ll get a great view of the Homer Spit and Kachemak Bay.